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In some cases Afi administrators might want to delete one of the backups in their Afi account, for example, to restart the backup from scratch without prior history or to free the storage space.
How to schedule backup deletion
To delete a backup for user, or any other resource in the account, locate the resource on the Service → Protection screen, then click Recover button to go to the backup. Inside the backup click on the trash can button in the top-right corner of the screen, and then confirm backup deletion. After that, the system will schedule backup deletion in 7 days and you will receive an email notification about the scheduled deletion. During these next 7 days administrators can cancel the deletion.
Please note that scheduled backup deletion automatically removes protection SLA from resource (user, drive, site, etc). You can assign protection SLA to the resource again, but it will not cancel the scheduled backup deletion operation, instead it will create a new full backup for this resource. Please see How to cancel backup deletion section on how to cancel the deletion.
Here is a step-by-step procedure for backup deletion:
a) Locate a resource
b) Click on the trash can button
c) Confirm a deletion
On the Service → Protection tab resources with a backup that is scheduled for deletion are marked with the red Scheduled for backup deletion label with tooltip. A tooltip shows the planned deletion time for the backup.
Backup deletion events in Audit
When an Afi account administrator schedules backup deletion, the system creates an audit event recording who has scheduled the deletion and for which resource.
When the backup is finally deleted, the system generates another audit event specifying which resource was deleted and deletion reason ("Requested by user").
How to cancel a backup deletion
To cancel a scheduled backup deletion, locate the backup through the Service → Protection screen, click Recover, then click the Cancel button inside the backup view and confirm the cancellation.